Saturday, March 6, 2010

Where Cousin Bill Skated as a Boy/ where Cousin Susila Skated as a girl, Prince George Arena. It's roof collapsed under the weight of snow one winter, not long after Cousin Bill left the Rink!


  1. In Prince George, wherein Aunt Cleo (Gordon D. Bryant - "Uncle Gordon") and Aunt Dee (Bill Trotter - our "Uncle Bill") lived with their husbands and children, there was an indoor ice skating arena. After the roof collapsed, city fathers draughted plans for a new facility. Some time later, The Prince George Colesium was built. It was the home of the Prince George Mowhawks Hockey Team.

  2. And where Harry (can't think of Harry's last name now) kept the fires burning (the origin of the "hot stove" league) and the rink clean. Before it collapsed, you and I went skating there and we fell chasing Dalton Lewis around the rink. The tragedy was that your skate slashed my forehead and I still have the scar today (below my eyebrow pencil) since we didn't "do" stitches then!
